Paket Wisata Ke – Yunani (9D6N)  IDRIS Tour and Travel

Day  1  : Jakarta
Berkumpul di Bandara Cengkareng (International Airport Soekarno – Hatta)
Bandara Internasional Soekarno – Hatta
Melakukan penerbangan ke Athena melalui Abu Dhabi.

Day 2  : Athens – City Tour – Acropolis
 Tiba di Bandara El Benizelos sekitar pukul 14.00
Melakukan city tour
Dari dalam bus wisata, Anda akan diajak melihat berbagai tempat. Meliputi Kuil Dewa Zeus yang dibangun sejak abad ke-5 SM, kuil ini merupakan salah satu yang terbesar dengan ukuran 250 x 130 m. Selanjutnya ke Hadrian Arch yang dibangun oleh rakyat Athena sebagai penghormatan pada Kaisar Rona Hadrian, Hadrian Arch adalah gerbang penghubung kota lama dan baru.
Lalu melakukan kunjungan ke Stadion Olimpiade 1896, dan terakhir ke Universitas Athena.
Makan malam di restoran kebab Thanasis Halal Menu
Beristirahat di Hotel The Stanley (bintang 4).

Day 3 : Athens – Plaka – Monasteraki
Sarapan pagi
Menuju ke pusat souvenir terbesar Yunani di Plaka
Plaka dikenal sebagai “village” di dalam kota Athena. Di sepanjang jalan, berjejer toko souvenir, kafe, dan restoran. Tak luput bangunan tradisional dengan gang sempit, menanjak, dan bebatuan. Di toko-toko pinggir jalan tersebut, Anda bisa berburu oleh-oleh khas Yunani untuk keluarga dan teman di rumah.
Menuju ke Monasteraki
Mengunjungi Ermou Street
rmou Street terletak di dekat Syntagma tepatnya di seberang parlemen Yunani. Jalan ini merupakan jalur pejalan kaki yang di sampingnya dijejali oleh toko-toko bermerek global seperti Zara, H&M, Marcks & Spencer, dan sebagainya.
Kembali ke Hotel The Stanley (bintang 4).

Day 4  : Athens – Kalambaka
Sarapan pagi
Menuju ke Kalambaka
Makan siang
Makan malam di Hotel Divani Meteora (bintang 5).

Day 5  : Kalambaka – Meteora – Airport
Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Meteora
Meteora sering disebut sebagai surga di tengah langit Yunani. Tak mengherankan, pasalnya Meteora memiliki daya pikat tersendiri sebagai warisan dunia UNESCO di tahun 1988. Berbagai tempat wisata yang patut dikunjungi adalah pilar batu, biara, meteora atau tengah langit dengan wujud pilar batuan menyerupai deretan jari raksasa. Yang terakhir adalah surga pendakian berjumlah hingga 700 jalur.
City tour ke Kota Kalambaka
Anda akan kami ajak melakukan city tour ke Kota Kalambaka yang letaknya berdekatan dengan Meteora
Pulang ke Athena langsung ke airport
Menuju ke Santorini naik pesawat
Menginap di Hotel Al Greco (bintang 4) Fita Town atau Splendour (bintang 5) Santorini.

Day 6  : Santorini – Fira – Black Beach – Oia
Menuju ke Golden Street Fira tour dengan view caldera di sekeliling Santorini
Mengunjungi Blue Dome Oia
Blue Dome Oia Sarapan pagi
Menuju ke Black Beach dan Red Beach
Red Beach Santorini letaknya ada di dekat Akrotiri. Untuk sampai ke bawah pantainya, Anda butuh usaha lebih karena tebing yang masih alami. Trailnya juga demikian, jangan kaget jika ada banyak kerikil berwarna merah yang akan membuat langkah lebih rawan terpeleset. Tapi, jangan salah, pemandangannya sangat keren. Anda juga bisa berjemur di tempat ini.
Makan siang
Blue Dome Oia
Di tempat ini, Anda akan melihat Signature Sign Santorini dari jarak dekat. Anda boleh mengambil foto sepuasnya. Nah, Blue Done di Oia ini paling sering dijadikan sebagai gambar postcard.
Makan malam
stirahat di Hotel El Greco (bintang 4

Day 7 : Santorini – Santowinery – Athena by ferry boat seajet
Sarapan pagi
Menuju ke Santo Winery untuk melakukan wine testing 
Santo Winery adalah sebuah perkebunan anggur terbaik di Santorini yang letaknya ada di desa tradisional Pygros. Varietas anggur di tempat ini tergolong unggul karena tanah vulkanik yang subur. Lokasinya sangat indah.
Menuju ke Athena naik ferry seajet
Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman berharga menaiki ferry seajet dengan waktu perjalanan sekitar 60 sampai 90 menit. Kapal ferry high speed ini akan membawa Anda kembali ke Athena dengan cepat.
Tiba di Athena
Makan malam halal food dengan menu Asia
Menginap di Hotel The Stanley (bintang 4) Athena.

Day 8  : Athena – McArthurGlen Factory Outlet – Airport
Mengunjungi Factory Outlet terbesar di Yunani
McArthurGlen Factory Outlet
McArthurGlen Factory Outlet
Berbelanja barang-barang branded sampai pukul 12.00 siang
Menuju Airport untuk check in
Kembali ke tanah air melalui Doha.

   Day 9 : Jakarta
   Anda akan tiba di Jakarta

2 Hari 1 Malam Paket Wisata Guci Tegal

Kami menyediakan 2 Hari 1 Malam Paket Wisata Guci Tegal, berikut dapat kami infokan.
Jadwal Acara Paket Tour Guci 2 Hari 1 Malam
Itinerary 2 Hari 1 Malam Paket Wisata Guci Tegal

Hari 1: Jakarta – Guci (ms, mm)
Meeting Point di lokasi yang telah disepakati pada jam 5.00. Berangkat dari pukul 05.30 WIB menuju Guci Tegal dengan menggunakan Bus Khusus Pariwisata melalui jalan tol. Cikampek dan Tol Cipali Tiba sekitar jam 12 siang. makan siang dan istirahat. untuk selanjutnya menikmati objek wisata pemandian air panas guci tegal. menjelang sore hari, menuju penginapan - check in - acara bebas

Hari 2: Guci Tegal - Cirebon - Jakarta (mp, ms)
Bangun pagi. sarapan. menikmati suasana disekitar penginapan. Jam. 07.00 check out dan menuju cirebon untuk mampir ke batik trusmi. tiba di cirebon sekitar pukul 10.00. wisata keraton kasepuhan dan wisata belanja batik trusmi. menjelang pukul 13.00 melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke Jakarta. Tiba di Jakarta sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB. acara selesai
Daftar Harga Paket Wisata Guci 2 Hari 1 Malam

Silahkan hubungi marketing Tour kami
Fasilitas Program Paket Wisata Guci 2 Hari 1 Malam
Bus Pariwisata AC (Kapasitas disesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta)
Penginapan villa
Tiket Masuk Objek Wisata
Bebas biaya Tol + Parkir + Tips Supir
Makan sesuai program + Air Mineral 600 ml/orang/hari
P3K + Asuransi Jasa Raharja
Dokumentasi (Free Burning CD)
Spanduk + Tour Leader

Minimal Pemesanan 30 atau kelipatannya

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Hasil gambar untuk rante mario

Pegunungan Latimojong merupakan titik tertinggi di Pulau Sulawesi. Rangkaian pegunungan ini bukan merupakan gunung berapi seperti gunung-gunung lain yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Wilayah dari pegunungan Latimojong dipenuhi oleh hutan tipe Montana dimana karakteristik dari hutan tipe ini adalah tumbuh di wilayah dengan ketinggian 2.000 hingga 3.000 meter dari permukaan laut. Jika beruntung, para pendaki dapat bersua dengan babi rusa dan anoa di wilayah hutan gunung ini. Pegunungan Latimojong diketahui memiliki tujuh puncak dan masing-masing puncak mempunyai namanya sendiri. Buntu Rante Mario sebagai titik tertinggi di Pulau Sulawesi, diikuti  oleh Buntu Nenemori sebagai titik tertinggi kedua, dan puncak-puncak lainnya yaitu Buntu Sinaji, Buntu Sikolong, Buntu Rante Kambola, Buntu Bajaja, dan Buntu Latimojong. Di Desa Karangan yang merupakan titik awal pendakian terdapat sebuah sungai berair jernih yang cukup besar bernama Salu Karangan. Di desa ini juga, para pendaki yang membutuhkan jasa porter dapat meminta jasa penduduk setempat.

Terdapat tujuh pos peristirahatan yang bisa digunakan para pendaki untuk beristirahat atau mendirikan tenda sebelum mencapai Puncak Rante Mario. Setelah melewati pos tujuh, vegetasi mulai berubah. Pohon-pohon tinggi mulai berkurang, sehingga pemandangan lebih jelas terlihat. Melewati pos tujuh, para pendaki akan menemui sebuah tanah lapang yang memiliki jalanan bercabang. Cabang ini mengarahkan para pendaki ke dua titik yang berbeda, yang satu menuju Puncak Rante Mario dan satunya lagi menuju Puncak Nenemori. Jika telah tiba di Puncak Rante Mario, para pendaki akan disuguhi pemandangan dari puncak-puncak lain yang menjadi bagian Pegunungan Latimojong. Sedangkan puncaknya sendiri ditandai dengan sebuah tugu triangulasi di tengah-tengah lahan yang cukup datar, bertuliskan Puncak Rante Mario.

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Welcome My Blog. My name is inda idris. i'm a 3rd semester travel student,makassar  Tourism Polytechnic. I would like to share a story about my experince while doing a nature field trip in northern toraja district. On 14,15,16 october 2019 me my classmate department of travel study program travel businness tour conducted nature field trip activities in the north toraja regency. We travel for 3D2N. And before we do our nature trip activities we do a meeting first with our toue leader. 

Day 1

We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru district for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours.

We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru district. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours.

In Bambapuang, Enrekang District, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be used as ole ole. After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja.

The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the penyet ria chicken. And our last activity was closed overnight.Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

Day 02
Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja. After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thick dew.

Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja. After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentiro tiko.

Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, we had lunch, rest for a while while performing prayers. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Bangko.

We also did tracking from the Lempo to Bori. During the trip, we were accompanied by views of a vast expanse of rice fields with cool breeze that has not been polluted by pollution. Morning or evening is the right time to visit.We also visited baby grave. Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tara'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb. Also when visiting baby grave we accidentally met with tourists from France. He taught us many things including teaching us the language.

After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori ’Kalimbuang. This tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone. This Menhir is a neat fusion with the Toraja traditional house, Tongkonan.

We rested for a moment and sat on the edge of the rice fields while enjoying the beautiful view of Tana Toraja. When we were resting, we saw many tourists passing by and many people in Toraja were wearing black clothes, which they said would do solo signs. We really want to see it but time and schedule do not allow us. So we continued our journey.And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical Ole Ole Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself.

A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night.

 Day 03
Our third day starts with checking out the hotel and having breakfast.

 After breakfast we went shopping at Ole Ole at the Toraja traditional market. In the traditional Toraja market, there are many Toraja tribal souvenirs and toraja special foods.

But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada. Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja.

After from lakipadada we continued our journey home to return to Makassar. We do lunch in the town of Parepare right terrace restaurant empang and dinner at the restaurant of the dream city of Maros. After that we arrived at the campus safely.


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Report Marine Field Trip In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach

Hello guys….

This is my first blog, so let me introduce my self first, My name is Inda Idris, I am student of Makassar tourism polytechnic. And in this post I will tell you my experience about field trip at dutungan island. So lets check it out…

On 10 October 2019 we are gathering at Orange Building at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and then the tour leader ensure that all participant attend the tour then the tour leader checking the luggage of participant. After that we are heading to Tanjung Indah dock in Barru regency and from Tanjung indah dock we are heading to Dutungan island by boat, while we are on the bus each student will  guiding about each regency and city that we passed. After arrived at Dutungan island, the instructor give us instruction about diving equipment. After the instruction, all participant prepare for lunch and midday prayer for moslem. 

And then we are diving and snorkeling and enjoying the beautiful underwater scenery of Dutungan island. After satisfied diving and snorkeling we are heading to hotel Delima Sari in Parepare City. Arrive at hotel Delima Sari in Parepare City we are check in at the Receptionist and get the room key. After thet we prepare for dinner at local restaurant at “Ayam Penyet Ria” in Parepare City. The restaurant located near the hotel and after dinner we are doing presentation about Dutungan Islan, Safety and Secure, and how to handle group of marine tour and continue with entertainment. And then overnight at hotel.

On the second day 11 October 2019, in the morning all the participant gather for morning exercise, while we are exercise we are walked to True Love monument of Habibie & Ainun. After that we are back to the hotel and breakfast. Then  after breakfast we are check out from hotel Delima Sari at Parepare City and heading to Paputo beach, the name of Paputo was taken from the short of Pasir Putih Tonrangeng. Arrive at Paputo beach at Parepare City we are start the observation. 

And after the observation we are heading to Teras empang restaurant in Parepare City for Lunch.

 All the Participant prepare for lunch. After lunch, we are directly back to Makassar tourism Polytechnic.

Well, i think that’s all about experience of marine field trip at Dutungan Island in Barru regency that i  can explain today.

Good Bye…

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